In the beginning...

...a small group gathered in a garage to Worship differently. They had a dream of establishing a church outside of church where people could gather the way the first Church gathered, over fellowship and a shared meal (or beer). Slowly this group grew until they were too large for the garage and knew they needed to establish something bigger. So in 2018, they built a brewery and called it Castle Church Brewing Community - a space for believers and non-believers to gather and talk about life and share beer and meet new friends. And in this space God was always present, during active worship that happened Sundays and Wednesdays, and in all the times in between.
At the end of 2021, Church leadership made the difficult decision to close the Brewery. This turned into the blessing of partnering with two amazing local establishments in Orlando who generously provide space for our Worship gatherings - Ten10 Brewing on Sunday mornings and The Falcon Bar and Gallery on Wednesday evenings.

In October of 2022, our founding Pastor, Reverend Jared Witt, moved on to Ohio to start a family. We are grateful to Jared for following God's call to create a space for people who don't feel comfortable in traditional worship institutions. We are grateful to Jared for venturing into the Beer industry to leverage the natural community that exists in Brewery culture. We are grateful to Jared for building our incredible community. His dream and vision live on in the Warm Hearts of its people, sharing Cold Beer and stories about God around The Hearth.