Are kids welcome at the hearth?
Jesus said to them, 'Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.'
~Matthew 19:14
When we first met with the owner of Ten10 Brewing, we asked him why he decided to build a brewery. He said, "I wanted to create a place where people of all different walks of life could come together and build community, celebrating all the important events in their lives. I wanted people to feel less alone and share in Birthdays and anniversaries, celebrations of life and community events."
We told him he sounded a lot like a pastor.
Breweries have a culture of togetherness built into their DNA. They are places for families to gather and share life together. Because of this culture, having Church in a brewery just made sense to us.
On Sundays, we have a children's sermon right before the adult sermon, and we encourage children to attend worship with their families. Incorporating children in the worship service provides unique opportunities for children to learn from the adults in their lives and for adults to learn from the children in their lives! We provide coloring pages and musical instruments for children to use throughout the worship time so they feel engaged and included. In addition, every second and fourth Sunday of the month, we provide a special Bible lesson and craft for the kids (and kids at heart) to engage with the Gospel at an age-appropriate level.
If you have any questions about children's ministry, please reach out to Kaylee.
We told him he sounded a lot like a pastor.
Breweries have a culture of togetherness built into their DNA. They are places for families to gather and share life together. Because of this culture, having Church in a brewery just made sense to us.
On Sundays, we have a children's sermon right before the adult sermon, and we encourage children to attend worship with their families. Incorporating children in the worship service provides unique opportunities for children to learn from the adults in their lives and for adults to learn from the children in their lives! We provide coloring pages and musical instruments for children to use throughout the worship time so they feel engaged and included. In addition, every second and fourth Sunday of the month, we provide a special Bible lesson and craft for the kids (and kids at heart) to engage with the Gospel at an age-appropriate level.
If you have any questions about children's ministry, please reach out to Kaylee.